Contract manufacturing

Customised parts production

Not only for customised systems, but also for customers with a need for prototypes or small series of complex metal parts, BUPI Cleaner has the right answers at the ready thanks to contract manufacturing.

An extensive range of machinery is available for both metal-cutting production and contract manufacturing of sheet metal processing and offers all processing options from raw material to the finished assembly. Satisfied customers – including those from the switchgear, machine, container and special vehicle construction industries – have relied on the fast, flexible and high-quality production by BUPI Golser for years.

Sheet metal working

BUPI Golser produces housing parts as well as complex structural components as moulded parts from ferrous or non-ferrous metal sheets from 0.5 to 20 mm thick. For prototypes or small series, the complete machine park with the option of mixing automatic and manual operation proves its worth

Machining production

BUPI Golser produces complex functional individual parts with a need for high structural integrity or particularly small dimensions as turned or milled parts from solid material. All ferrous or non-ferrous metals, but also plastics, are machined in contract manufacturing.


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